A venue designed to foster critical thinking, candid discussion, and human interaction…

Archive for July, 2010

The Future of Me…Revealed

In my last post I presented a teaser about ‘the future of me’ – as promised, here’s the answer…

After much contemplation and soul-searching, I have decided that I can no longer serve as an employee of the government of the United States. I hope to retire from the military within the next year, and I am now absolutely sure that I want to be a ‘real’ civilian for the rest of my life.

ArmyStrong3BW_Text This is a tough decision for me, because I actually enjoy the challenges and opportunities that I get to experience when I am in uniform. I feel proud when I am saluted as a commissioned officer by those Soldiers with whom I serve. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that I would get to do all the cool stuff I’ve done over the last 20 years in the Army. It was tough getting here – I worked HARD at being all that I could be and sacrificed a hell of a lot in order to honor my service commitment, but the personal satisfaction that I earned made it all worthwhile…for the most part.

CSTDiyalahMAJG3But you know, in just the last few years the culture of the military has changed dramatically…and not necessarily for the better. I cannot expound much on this, but I’m sure most of you can grasp what I am saying just by watching the daily news cycle. I am suffering severely – physically, mentally, emotionally, personally – as a result of the unadulterated stress I endured in the realm of classified operations. I believe, however, that everything we experience in life happens for a reason. I have faith that in time I will understand all of this a little better.

So in the future, I won’t focus exclusively on military issues, I will move forward pushing the limits of critical thinking beyond anything imaginable…because that’s how I roll (smile!)

MTF…(more to follow)

3EYEVISION Revival: The Future of Me…

It’s been quite some time since I’ve posted anything on 3EYEVISION.  It’s often too overwhelming to try and give equal time to all the digital media with which I’m associated…Facebook, Google, Email, Cable and Internet News, and the list goes on.  I even have my own culinary page on Facebook that I manage and update regularly.  But ironically, the very reason that I conceived this blog is the same reason that I have a difficult time keeping its entries updated – my health is still in decline, and I continue to challenge the military health system to figure out how to “fix” me and make me healed and whole again.

Many who read this post will acknowledge my almost constant presence on Facebook – it’s not by choice actually. I have been on doctor-ordered convalescence for a while now.  My current health issues (some not yet determined or diagnosed) and daily medication regimen prevent me from functioning normally in my daily life.  I won’t go into one of my usual tirades discussing my health; I will just say that I look forward to the day the burdens of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion are not the rulers of my days and nights.  So I find it easier to deal with quick status updates that at least keep me connected with the outside world.


Something else that kept me away from 3EYEVISION was trying to find the energy and patience to navigate the WordPress HTML formatting requirements, while simultaneously trying to think critically about what I want to say in my posts.  “Thinking” has become a stressful ordeal for me, but since I am tethered to my abode I have plenty of time to research and learn about things that I otherwise would  probably know little about.  Part of that research led me to Windows Live Writer.  With Windows Live Writer you can publish to almost any blog service, including Windows Live, WordPress, Blogger, LiveJournal, TypePad, SharePoint, Community Server, and many more.  WLW lets me preview everything I add to my blog, so I can see how the fonts, spacing, colors, and images will look, before publishing – without all the tedious manual HTML encoding that I usually have to do. This is my first time using WLW, so I hope what you are reading is comfortable on the eyes.

Now with all that said you’re probably still wondering – what IS the future of me — hmmm…?