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Archive for March, 2011

WTF GOP???!!!


I don’t get it! I don’t freekin’ get it! I don’t understand it! I cannot comprehend it! None of it makes sense! I mean really…WTF GOP???!!!

It has been very difficult for me to write, and even think clearly at times, because of my rollercoaster health issues. At this very moment I am experiencing severe pain in my arms, wrists, hands, and fingers as I type this blog entry — but what I hope to convey to you is well worth the discomfort.

I did not prepare notes or outlines, and I don’t know exactly will be posted once I decide I’m finished with this post, but I just know that I cannot continue to keep my thoughts to myself any longer about the blatant disrespect of the American people by what seems to be a majority of so-called “legislators” associated with the Republikan party at the state AND federal levels. I am sure that this will end up being an extended series of posts so that I am able to address specific issues in detail. This first one, however, I will use to sort of set the stage and provide readers of 3EYEVISION a little gray matter stimulation.

First, let me state the obvious — regardless of what President Obama does or does not do, the Republikan party just does not want him to be in the White House and will do whatever it deems necessary to discredit him and his administration. Nuff’ said about that…as disgusting as it is.

Let’s start with the economy and deficit remedies at the state level. I don’t want to focus on numbers or bottom lines or accounting policies. I want to focus on the human dimension of the current trends in fiscal politics. What kind of immoral monsters were elected/re-elected to political offices by supporters of the Teabaggers and and Republikans?  Do constituents not deserve to be treated with the respect and dignity that should be afforded to human beings? For months on end the GOP slammed the current administration for high unemployment numbers and lower than expected levels of job creation. The same group of “good ol’ boyz” & girlz” spent an exorbitant amount of energy and empty rhetoric bashing Democrats for a desire to allow the ridiculous Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthiest of Americans to expire, and to continue spending on select line items to further stimulate this volatile economy that is still negatively affecting the middle and lower classes of United States of America. The party line was, and still is, that government spending must be significantly cut — by any means necessary. And guess what? If human beings have to suffer in order to save a couple of measly pennies, “so be it!”  Woooooow!

Let’s take a look at Wisconsin and Gov. Scott Walker’s proctology experiment performed on the workers’ unions and taxpayers of that state. Again…WTF GOP???!!! I have NEVER is all my years on this earth witnessed such ruthless travesties committed by elected legislators against broad sections of their own constituents. The intent as presented to the public was to put forth a state budget that would get spending under control and benefit the taxpayers of Wisconsin. However, it was very soon revealed that the true nature of this so-called budget proposal was purely political. There is a united effort across the country within the Republikan party to destroy all legislative leverage held by Democrats, as well as to privatize every aspect of government fiscal policy for the benefit of corporations, banks, Wall Street, and their own personal bank accounts. That’s just a bunch of straight up foul-smelling BULLSHIT! Come on GOP…WTF???!!!

Here’s what really gets to me about that whole situation — those efforts will serve to intentionally destroy the welfare and security of teachers, firefighters, police, sanitation workers, and others in professions that are vital to the forward progress and security of the future of individual citizens, students, and families in communities all over the country. And almost worse than that, all of these proposed Republikan budgets do absolutely NOTHING to cut deficits. In fact most, if not all, significantly increase state deficits, slash the numbers of available jobs, prevent future job creation, decreases current salaries of targeted union employees in the public sector, ensure the destruction of public education, increase taxes of the poorest citizens, do away with agencies and programs that provide revenue to state economies and give those monies away to private corporations (corporations that will also be exempt from paying taxes), outsource employment at higher costs to overseas locations, and so on and so on and so on…

Are you actually serious GOP??? I mean really…WTF???!!!

In the mind of the GOP, people…HUMAN BEINGS…are expendable when it comes to gaining perceived power and status within the party and in the eyes of the ruthless billionaire puppetmasters with their greedy controlling fingers stuck up the asses of the minion clique. It’s like watching XXX political porn of the nastiest kind. There are no real emotions, no morals, no compassion, no sympathy/empathy, no mutual understanding of hardships…they have no souls.

I’m so angry right now that it’s difficult to harness and organize all my thoughts and feelings about the current state of political affairs in America, so I will stop here and continue our little discussion again very soon. There are class, race, and social issues that we must address at length. I at least hope that my words will inspire folks to educate themselves and others about what is REALLY going on in their own backyards and communities, and inspire in many the courage to stand up against those issues that are just plain wrong.

Media news can be boring and extremely repetitive, but I encourage each of you to spend a few minutes each day watching or listening to your preferred news sources to keep abreast of all the BS being tossed at us…BS that can affect us and our families in very undesirable ways now and in the future. How will you be able to recognize what is actually BS? Well, when you hear something that makes you wanna holler out, “WTF GOP???!!!” — there’s your sign…

MUCH more to follow…