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Archive for April, 2012



The last half of my Army career was spent understanding the psychology and nuances of human behavior, which is why I think I am so aggressively vocal about the negativity I see, hear, and perceive in contemporary politics. And the influence that the collective Republican party has on the minds of large segments of the American population…human beings…is scary as hell.

I am writing this post because of yet another disturbing debate in which I attempted to engage a couple of obviously unconditionally loyal members of the Republican party. It was disturbing because these two gentlemen were saying the exact same thing…literally…things that sounded eerily, and exactly, like everything stated publicly by Republican politicians’ talking points…literally. So I am constantly questioning the ability of those who blindly accept and repeat so-called Conservative rhetoric, to be able to think independently and frame their actual own opinions about current issues. Thus, the title of this post. With each passing day, Republicans seem less and less human. There is no connection between their politics and the real world…the Human Dimension.

What follows are some of the things, THIS week, that have really given me pause and made me question whether these folks who support Republicans are human or robots. Well, we at least know that there are many wooden boys … Pinocchios … who sport elephants on their designer suit lapels.

robotAdSo, I NEVER hear Republicans and so-called Conservatives talk about the actions AND inaction of the Republican party concerning ANY issue. If they do, it always gets turned into a conversation about Pres. Obama, blaming him for things that are clearly the fault and/or responsibility of Republicans. Since BEFORE his inauguration, there has only been criticism of him as a President-elect, President, and even as a man. Before he even takes office, President Obama is characterized as the worst President in the history of America, and the most important thing is to make him a one-term President. That’s the same kind of Republican logic used by legislators on the "right" who now say that conception occurs two weeks BEFORE a WOMAN has sex. And what’s scary is that these attitudes are not isolated…it is the national Republican party that thinks/believes such inane things in terms of actual politics. And you know, regardless of the obvious insanity of much of the party’s rhetoric, there are so many who unconditionally suck the teats of the Reich Wing anyway. And now all of a sudden, in the last 3-4 years, there are great masses of people who are concerned about issues that they NEVER discussed with such fervor before now in such large numbers. But why now??? I don’t get the arguments for the Republican "theology". EVERY Republican argument sounds just like EVERY other Republican argument I have heard thus far — VERBATIM. It is so easy to follow a script and sound important…or impotent.

Another question…what are the Republicans proposing in order to "fix" the country? *crickets* Hell, they broke it in the first place. Next…!

And don’t get me started on the die-hard Black Republicans. Same rhetoric…different "color". I’m sick of these so-called Black Conservatives now criticizing the President for not "fixing" the Black community. You know, there are these strange and illusive things called state and local governments. See where I’m going with this? Intelligent HUMANS can figure this one out. They have bought into, and repeat the standard lines of many white Republicans who have made them feel as if the Republican party has always been kind to and protected the interest of Black folk…WTF??? Next…!

Romney_robotNow let’s take a look at a real automaton – Mittens Romney. What is his plan to "fix" America? If you say you know, I will not hesitate to call you a liar. He has not yet said specifically ANYTHING that he will do to definitively provide feasible solutions to what Americans are most concerned about. Well, not in public at least. And now he is saying that he will do as President EVERYTHING that Pres. Obama is either already doing, planning to do, or wants to do but can’t because everything he even proposes is summarily blocked by the Republicans. And Willard is a businessman…yes he is. But wasn’t he also a governor? Why does he not tout his political accomplishments as well? And maybe he didn’t get the memo, but Bane Capital and a lackluster governorship do not give him a pass on understanding foreign policy and international diplomacy. This battery-operated android can’t even talk comfortably with a HUMAN Republican family at a picnic table…do we REALLY want him negotiating with other world leaders? He is the biggest Pinocchio of them all…check out his nose the next time he appears on television.


And you know, I am the first to criticize the Obama administration for the way they handled a LOT of things, but I am a registered Independent who actually thinks that way. I think deeply about this stuff, and not just from a purely political perspective. I do my best to be fair in my opinions. With that said, it irks me how folks attempt to apply stretched comparisons between Pres. Obama and Republicans with perceived equity. Doesn’t make sense to me. In true robot fashion, EVERY Republican who is confronted with a criticism about their party immediately flips an internal switch that activates a defense mechanism that generates very childish comparison responses — "Okay, but what about the Democrats and Liberals…they do the same thing!" Sigh… Another thing they do is quote policies and pundit, and, again, repeat what all the other Republicans are saying. You know, I really don’t care what George Soros or Hannity or even Spongebob Squarepants says about anything about which I have enough information to form my own HUMAN opinions.

Pres. Obama was a relative novice at this Beltway politics stuff when he first entered office. He really didn’t understand the art of dirty politics played by ALL parties. But in the last year he has shown that he has learned how to be an effective President of the United States…he is HUMAN enough to adapt to very complex and dynamic situations.

But the main reason he has had problems getting things done is, again, because Republicans do whatever they think will cause him to fail, even at the expense of the welfare of the American people…that is disgusting. No compromise. No working together. No honesty. And like I always say, all those who adamantly and consistently oppose anything about President Obama do so because they do not like the man named Barack. A lot of this stuff going on has more to do with sub-HUMAN behavior than politics. And this has really only been since the President took office. 6a00d834516a0869e2015390a0e112970b-300wi

Want more evidence of robotic behavior? Why so many Americans are supporting and voting for things that are clearly against their own self interests. Do away with the EPA! Destroy the Dept. of Education! Get rid of the United States Post Office! Of course, let’s keep people sick and dumb and unable to communicate so that we can allow our "corporate controllers" to make more money with less opposition from the little people. Things that will make their lives (and the lives f their children) really shitty are the things that these Republicans vote for…because they are conditioned and told to do so. If you cannot see or acknowledge the misinformation and influence campaign being waged by Republicans, then you are a victim of it, support it, and/or part of it.

As usual, the only fallback is to say that left does what the right is doing. And I say again, that argument makes no sense. If that was the case, we wouldn’t need to have this conversation. BOTH sides are ALWAYS countering what the other says/does. That’s politics…unfortunately. But if you actually think that both parties do things EXACTLY the same, I’ve got a bag of lunar moon rocks I want to sell you. That is one of the weakest cop outs ever, and a consistent "uniformed" way for those who oppose President Obama to try and sound reasonable … whatever … NEXT…!

And what’s this thing about the "government" crippling our country…how about corporations crippling our country. Obama-opposers kill me with their Polly-parrot talking points, blaming the government and current administration for all that is wrong in the world. They refuse to acknowledge all the things that President Obama is doing and has done to keep their lives relatively stable and comfortable (especially considering that the Republican party does not care at all for HUMAN beings), yet they NEVER say EXACTLY what their party is doing or plans to do to make things better for Americans. How do you feel about your taxes going up significantly under a Republican budget, while the wealthy so-called job creators get theirs cut and continue making money doing absolutely NOTHING to improve unemployment or the economy. I guess American pride matters not to the selfish. OH WAIT! They cannot understand the concept of pride…they are not HUMAN.

mama_robot_monsterAnd I must raise this point one last time because it really bothers me — it’s funny how the haters never seem to directly respond to things said by Democrats or those who support Liberal legislation. Out of everything I’ve said above and put forth and even insinuated, all they can say is, "Well, the Left does it too…" What kind of crap is that? American politics on the part of Republicans has NEVER been this divisive in my lifetime.

Those whose minds are controlled by the Republican party find it necessary to make the claim that Democrats/Liberals cannot see the truth about President Obama, all the while repeating things that they selectively read/watch/hear as fact…like broken records or faulty 8-track tapes. The other thing that always tips me off to ignorance are QUESTIONS. They ALWAYS ask pointed questions, wait for a response, and then come back very aggressively with the same old tired talking points and rhetoric that the Republican party and its corporate puppeteers/controllers have indoctrinated into the minds of the robots.

There is so much more that could be said, but then I would start sounding like a broken record…so I will end my rant here. You know, I have a group of very good friends and colleagues with whom I discuss politics daily. They prove to me that real live people exist still. It’s really refreshing having these kinds of bi-partisan political dialogues with folks who actually use their OWN minds to THINK, yet it’s sad that so many have stopped existing within the reality of the HUMAN DIMENSION…sigh…


~D. Guidry