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GOD, GUNS, & ‘MORANS’ in 2012…What The F**K???!!!

DISCLAIMER: I use very aggressive language…read at your own risk…


I just read yet another political comment by a Republican that reeked of a freshly made pitcher of Jim Jones red kool-aid…sigh…

First there was this:

“…all I do know is where are we gonna be when the current one has mostly wiped out our defenses? He gives no glory to the military anyway, he says he did it all…. We’re already getting in trouble and he has turned everyone else just about against us and we’re turning our back on Israel, surly everyone knows what God has said about his intentions for Israel in the end times and if we turn our back on that then we are turning our back on Gods’ wishes and that is the LAST one we better be pissing off. I am not paying attention to what anyone of them says, only to what they do and if they are upholding GOD’s word then know who is taking God out of the schools and out of America and we better be thinking that over good. . if we uphold anyone who upholds one who does not honor our God then God will surely drop us like Sodom or Gomorah or any country that turns their back against him. THAT is what I’m gonna decide upon, not color, not words, just actions in favor of GOD.”

What the fuck does God have to do with human politics when the party that claims to be so fucking holy is doing everything possible to "legitimately rape" the average American???

304725_278771812222629_1136859372_nIf Republicans are so concerned about the economy, why the fuck do they do nothing except pander to religious God nuts who can’t see past the bible??? Because they are EMOTIONALLY mind fucking you to say and believe whatever it is they can stick in your minds!

And what is this BULLSHIT about President Obama wanting to cut defense spending…IT FUCKING NEEDS TO BE CUT! Do y’all realize where all your fucking tax dollars go when siphoned to the Pentagon? They go to private corporations that are contracted to do the EXACT same jobs that troops are trained to do. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THAT PICTURE???!!! I spent 21 years in uniform dealing with the uninformed and ignorant opinions of war-hungry civilians who keep us in foreign countries because it is fucking popular…do y’all realize what that constant combat shit does to the human body and psyche? NO YOU FUCKING DON’T!!!

And just because so-called conservatives have a fucking personal-emotional-religious bias against the scary Black man in the White House, they think it is okay to destroy the country just to get fucking pretend-religious IDIOTS elected to make shit even worse than it is now! freedum

And what really gets me is that they actually believe EVERY fucking conspiratorial LIE that is intentionally thrown out to confuse the fuck out of the sheeples! Republican supporters are fucking evil ass IDIOTS!

And I am STILL trying to figure out exactly what Republicans will do if…IF…Romney is elected. The IDIOTS spent an entire week belittling people, talking about God and fucking guns, and trying to make a fucking robot look human. WHAT THE FUCK WILL YOU DO FOR THE ECONOMY AND THE COUNTRY BESIDES CUT TAXES FOR RICH BASTARDS WHO APPARENTLY DON’T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY???!!!


And speaking of taxes, these bastards want to keep us Soldiers in the path of bombs and bullets, but don’t give a fuck about paying taxes that are intended to be used for things like fucking national defense!

OH…just WHY is it that conservatives want to increase defense spending? TO FATTEN THE BANK ACCOUNTS IF CORPORATION AND MILITARY CONTRACTORS! Do they really believe that sending us to foreign countries to DIE is to make folks safe in the US? The sheeples are manipulated to believe that BULLSHIT! This country is fucking secure as hell! Buying and shooting more fucking missiles does nothing…absolutely NOTHING…to increase the security of the continental United States.



~D. GUIDRY (The Spook)

5 responses

  1. WOW….deep! Oh seriously…keeping ranting and I will be reading.

    September 2, 2012 at 4:55 pm

  2. Did you get enough of it off your chest? Keep on speaking. “All that is necessary for evil to take over is for enough good people to do nothing.”

    September 2, 2012 at 5:00 pm

  3. Amen

    September 2, 2012 at 8:26 pm

  4. Sheree

    Thanks for the new perspective on what’s happening w/tax dollars and corporations. Make sense.

    September 2, 2012 at 9:09 pm

  5. All left said is: ooooooooooooooooooooooooo weeeeee!!!!

    September 3, 2012 at 4:36 pm

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